We have a new vacancy in the Institute! The Institute for Political Sciences is seeking to fill a full-time vacancy for a junior research fellow in the area of emotions and politics. Details are below.
Vacancy details
Post: Junior Research Fellow Post at the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Department: Institute for Political Sciences, Department of Political Behaviour
Vacancy ID: Junior Research Fellow/PTI/2019.
Main location: Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Tóth Kálmán street 4.)
Job type: Full time
Job term: This post is available from 1 September 2019 or soon as possible thereafter. The position is offered on a fixed term contract for a year including a probationary period of 4 months with the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Depending on performance and academic funding the contact can be prolonged up to 1+2 years.
Salary: please contact Gabriella Szabo at szabo.gabriella@tk.mta.hu for more information
Age limit: applicant should be under 35.
Closing date: June 21, 2019 CET 23:55
General description of the position:
The junior research fellow will be embedded in the Department of Political Behaviour of the Institute for Political Sciences, a research-oriented environment within the interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The research area ‘Emotions in Politics’ focuses on explaining how emotions are transforming the political behaviour concentrating on issues such as incivility and outrage discourses in social media, feelings and party preference/voter turnout, strategic use of emotions, emotive expressions, and journalistic interventionism. The junior research fellow will be deeply involved in the research activities of the Department of Political Behaviour and assist in the evolution of its research agenda and scientific output. It is expected that the applicant will be an active contributor to the interdisciplinary intellectual environment of the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
For more information about the Institute for Political Sciences please click here:
Description of research duties:
The successful candidate will contribute to the evolution of theoretical and empirical work of the Department of Political Behaviour in relation to emotions and politics. This involves providing assistance with data collection and analysis, development of new projects for the acquisition of third-party funding, conference participation, and involvement in the Department’s publication output. The post-holder is expected to develop and carry out her/his own PhD project related to the area of emotions and politics with the support of the Head of Department.
Essential qualifications:
- Master’s in Media and Communication, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or related disciplines;
- Skills in quantitative methods;
- Familiarity with, or willingness to build methodological expertise on computational methods (automated text analysis and machine-learning);
- Strong command of English.
The application should include the following documents:
- A letter of motivation (no longer than 1 page) that outlines your substantive research and methodological interests;
- A research plan (no longer than 2 pages) that contains research question(s), hypothesis, few lines about the method and a brief description of the theoretical background of a possible empirical analysis on the role of emotions in politics.
- CV;
- A copy of your academic certificates (if you have a foreign qualifications, please make sure that they are eligible for recognition in Hungary)
- A writing sample (research paper, publication, or Master’s thesis);
Please send your application to Ms Judit D. Nagy pti@tk.mta.hu >
For any questions please contact Gabriella Szabó szabo.gabriella@tk.mta.hu>
The shortlisted candidates will be notified about the job interview which is expected to be held between July 1 and 10, 2019. The decision will be communicated by July 19, 2019.