Research assistants


Barbara Babolcsay

Barbara Babolcsay earned her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at ELTE, specialising in Stochastics. Her main areas of interest include mathematical modeling, as well as statistical machine learning and its interpretability, which is also the topic of her thesis. She works as a research assistant in the poltextLAB research group.

Sára Szabó

Sára Szabó earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). Alongside her university studies, she was a member of the Angelusz Róbert College for Advanced Studies. Her main research interests include family policy, the social welfare system, gender relations and art-based research methods. She is involved in the projects "Women for Solidarity in Energy (WISE)" and "Hungary in the energy crisis: From energy poverty to energy scarcity" at the Institute for Political Science of the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences.

Anna Takács

Anna Takács earned her bachelor's degree in Applied Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest. She is currently enrolled for the International Economy and Management master's programme at John von Neumann University, where her thesis focuses on the modelling of exchange rates using news articles. She is a research assistant in the PTI/MILAB poltextLAB research group.


Anna Ürmössy 

Anna Ürmössy studies at ELTE, Sociology BA. She was a student for a year at the University of Amsterdam. She is a member of the College of Advanced Studies in Social Theory since 2019. During the spring of 2021 she participated in the research of BCE’s Research Group of Participatory Budgeting. In the spring of 2021, she received a special award at the at the faculty’s Conference of Scientific Students' Associations for her research in urban sociology. For the academic year of 2021/22 she was awarded the National Higher Education Scholarship. Furthermore, she is carrying out her own research as part of the New National Excellence Program. Her research fields include urban sociology, sociology of work and political economy. Currently she takes part in TK PTI’s project called „The German Enablers of the Political Economy of Orbán's Hungary”. 

Rita Ilona Fábián

Rita Ilona Fábián graduated from Eötvös Loránd University with a bachelor's degree in political science in 2021. She is currently a master's student in communication and media studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She is also a member of the Students’ Organisation for Political Science (Politológus Műhely). Her main areas of interest are political communication and democratic theory. She was previously an intern at the Institute for Political Science – Centre for Social Sciences, where she helped to research the online communication of politicians. She is currently involved in data collection about the 2022 Hungarian parliamentary election campaign.


Simon Szilvási

He attained his bachelor's degree in English major and Dutch studies minor at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. At Corvinus University of Budapest graduated as an International Relations analyst obtaining his master's degree. He is a Ph.D. student in the Doctoral School of Military Science, Security Studies at the University of Public Service. Voluntary Research Coordinator at the Cold War History Research Center at Corvinus University of Budapest. Formerly he gained professional experience at the National University of Public Service, Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and at the US Embassy in Budapest. He conducted Foreign Exchange Studies at Universities in Belgium and the Nederlands. The main field of expertise: the US foreign policy after the Second World and Arctic affairs in the 21st century.

Abel Attila Solti

Abel Attila Solti commenced his undergraduate studies in Communication and Media Sciences at Milton Friedman University, where he wrote his thesis on the multidimensional visual qualities of the corporeal and those of encoded meanings in representation. In his research, he examined images published on H&M’s Hungarian Facebook page that display visual narratives of different body-images, depicting a hierarchy among them. As of now, he is a postgraduate in Cultural Anthropology at ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, where his field of interest lies in the subjects of visual anthropology, subcultures and countercultures, and the interrelation of media and anthropology affiliated with social organizing.

​Zsombor Petőfi

Zsombor Petőfi graduated from the University of Szeged with a bachelor's degree in business administration and management. He is currently a master's student in economics at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in Germany. His main area of interest is the political economy of the Visegrad countries. At TK PTI he participates in the project "Industrial Policy in the EU’s Periphery."

Róbert Dávid Kiss 

Róbert Dávid Kiss graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University at a degree in political science, during which he studied at the Catholic University of Lille as a participant in Erasmus+ program. Then for his masters at political science he graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, he is currently studying international relations in English at University of Public Service. In 2020, he won third place at the Faculty Scientific Student Conference and received a special award at the 2021 National Scientific Student Circle Conference. Intern at the Centre For Fair Political Analysis, and in our institute, he is participating in the project called “American and Hungarian Political Development: A Comparative Analysis”. 

Gergő Barna Balázs

Gergő Barna Balázs is studying law at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and at Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University while being a member of the ELTE Bibó István College for Advanced Studies. His main field of interest is public international law, winning this section of the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK) twice and receiving the Pro Scientia Gold Medal. As a research assistant of POLTEXTLAB, he is involved in the OPTED project.

Rebeka Kiss

Rebeka Kiss earned her bachelor's degree in public administration, then an undivided master's degree in science of public governance (University of Public Service). She is currently a PhD student of the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences of the University of Public Service, also a law student at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). Her main field of research is legislation. Within constitutional law, her research focuses on the explanatory memorandum of laws. She has been involved in the CAP and POLTEXT projects since 2019.


Krisztina Burai

Krisztina Burai is studying political science at Eötvös Loránd University, meanwhile, since 2017, she is working as an intern in the Political communication research project. She is mostly interested in political communication and political philosophy. In 2018, she finished in second place at the Scientific Students' Association conference, therefore had the chance to present her research paper entitled the Paradox of tolerance at the National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations.

László Galambos 

László Galambos earned his MA in sociology at Pázmány Péter Catholic University and he is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science of Corvinus University of Budapest. His dissertation is about technocratic governments in Europe. He taught as a junior trainer at the Health Services Management Training Centre of Semmelweis University and as a visiting lecturer at Corvinus and Pázmány. He worked as a research expert at Családbarát Ország Ltd dealing with family-friendly employment practices, prevention of intimate partner violence and labour market in the construction industry in Hungary. He published papers in these topics as an author and co-author as well.

Eduárd Herta 

Herta Eduárd is in his last year of International Relations BA studies at ELTE. In his thesis, he attempts to compare the European and South American participatory budgeting processes. Since he started his internship in April 2020 at the Institute for Political Science, he takes part in the research Democratic Innovations and the Hungarian Parties as a research assistant. Eduárd’s main field of interest is the relationship between the decision-makers and the electorate, as well as the citizens' participation in the decision-making processes.

Lucas Hübner 

Lucas Hübner is in his BA studies for Political Science and Psychology at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. He is an intern at the Institute for Political Science – Centre for Social Sciences where he is working in the “Return of the Weberian leaders” project and the research on constitutional courts. 

Rebeka Kiss

Rebeka Kiss earned her bachelor's degree in public administration from the National University of Public Service, and her thesis examined the issues of outsourced legislation and „parliamentary governance”. In 2018, she took 1st place at the Institutional Scientific Student Conference (ITDK), so she was able to present her essay at the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK). She is currently a graduate student of the NUPS undivided master's degree in public governance (Science of Public Governance) and also a first-year student at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University. She has been involved in the CAP and POLTEXT projects of the Institute for Political Science – Centre for Social Sciences since 2019 as an intern.

Adam Kovacs

Adam Kovacs is a cultural anthropologist (BA, University of Miskolc), ethnic and minority policy expert (MA, ELTE). He is a PhD candidate at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences. He worked at the public administration and at NGOs. In POLTEXT he is dealing with writing proposals.

Louloudenia Eleni Kriki

Louloudenia Eleni Kriki is a third-year student at SciencesPo Paris, campus de Menton where she is pursuing a BA in Politics and Government with a regional specialisation in the Middle East and North Africa. Louloudenia Eleni Kriki pursued an internship first, with Amnesty International and one with the permanent representation of Greece to the UN (during the summer of 2021). As an intern at the Institute for Political Science – Centre for Social Sciences she is working in the “Return of the Weberian leaders” project.

Julia Lilian Szabo

Julia Lilian Szabo received her BSc degree in Philosophy and Politics from the University of Bristol. Her research draws on the ’discursive turn’ in European Union studies to analyse the legitimation strategies involved in the ’illiberal turn’ of some member states of the European Union. Her dissertation in political philosophy focuses on the deliberative preconditions of democracy. Before commencing her studies in the United Kingdom, she was an intern at a Hungarian political blog based in Brussels reporting on European Union politics.

Áron Szászi 

Áron Szászi earned a BA in Commerce and Marketing at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and an MA in Political Science at the Central European University. During his studies, he was member of Rajk College for Advanced Studies. He gained professional experience at the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and also participated in research projects of the European University Institute and social research company Tárki. He is research assistant at the OTKA-funded “Perceptions of the EU’s policy impact: Europeanization of public attitudes in Hungary” research project.

Anna Székely

Anna Székely studied sociology  (BA, CUB), cultural anthropology (BA, BBTE), currently studies  Regional and Environmental Economics (MA, CUB), and is a member of Széchenyi István College for Advanced Studies. Her main interests are unsupervised learning methods in text mining and the possible improvement of pre-processing methods (stemming and lemmatization) applied in quantitative text analysis for Hungarian texts. Related to POLTEXT she coordinates the OPTED project and adopts education content of POLTEXT to various platforms, such as Medium, GitHub, YouTube.

Peter Visnovitz 

Peter Visnovitz is a PhD candidate in political science at Central European University. He studied international relations (MA, Central European University), media, communication, and linguistics (MA, ELTE). His research focuses on the legitimacy of populist regimes, and he is interested in the application of qualitative and quantitative text analysis to study political discourse. In POLTEXT he participates in the OPTED project by contributing to database construction and project-related publications.


Krisztina Burai

Krisztina Burai is studying political science at Eötvös Loránd University, meanwhile, since 2017, she is working as an intern in the Political communication research project. She is mostly interested in political communication and political philosophy. In 2018, she finished in second place at the Scientific Students' Association conference, therefore had the chance to present her research paper entitled the Paradox of tolerance at the National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations.

Bence Hamrák

Bence Hamrák, currently with Leiden University, joins TK sponsored SHELTER project starting from November. Bence, an award-winning CEU graduate exhaustively trained in quantitative methodology, will collaborate closely with Florian Weiler (CEU SPP) in the project`s data management unit. His tasks involve data cleaning and manipulation of the emergent data set as well as web scraping for R-based software solutions.

Julia Lilian Szabo

Julia Lilian Szabo received her BSc degree in Philosophy and Politics from the University of Bristol. Her research draws on the ’discursive turn’ in European Union studies to analyse the legitimation strategies involved in the ’illiberal turn’ of some member states of the European Union. Her dissertation in political philosophy focuses on the deliberative preconditions of democracy. Before commencing her studies in the United Kingdom, she was an intern at a Hungarian political blog based in Brussels reporting on European Union politics.

Áron Szászi 

Áron Szászi earned a BA in Commerce and Marketing at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and an MA in Political Science at the Central European University. During his studies, he was member of Rajk College for Advanced Studies. He gained professional experience at the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and also participated in research projects of the European University Institute and social research company Tárki. He is research assistant at the OTKA-funded “Perceptions of the EU’s policy impact: Europeanization of public attitudes in Hungary” research project.

Anna Székely

Anna Székely studied sociology  (BA, CUB), cultural anthropology (BA, BBTE), currently studies  Regional and Environmental Economics (MA, CUB), and is a member of Széchenyi István College for Advanced Studies. Her main interests are unsupervised learning methods in text mining and the possible improvement of pre-processing methods (stemming and lemmatization) applied in quantitative text analysis for Hungarian texts. Related to POLTEXT she coordinates the OPTED project and adopts education content of POLTEXT to various platforms, such as Medium, GitHub, YouTube. 

Viktor Papházi

Viktor Papházi – after finishing his political science studies at the Faculty of Law of Budapest’s Eötvös Loránd University – started his doctoral researches in 2017 as a student of the Doctoral School of Political Science at the same faculty. His field of research covers political culture, political socialization as well as young people’s relations towards the pre-1989 socialist system in Hungary. In 2016 he took part in a vocational training program organized by the research group for political leadership at the Institute for Political Science; in 2015 and 2019 he worked as an instructor and fellow researcher for the Active Youth in Hungary research team. His finished publications have been released in the Hungarian Political Science Review and the latest volume of the aforementioned research series.

Bendegúz Plesz


Bendegúz Plesz received his BA degree in Political Science from Corvinus University of Budapest in 2019. He is currently studying Political Science MA at Corvinus University. Earlier he was an intern at the Political Capital think tank and at Medinán Research and Polling Institution. He reached 1st place in the Scientific Students’ Association Conference at Corvinus in 2019, researching the Economic Vote in Hungary. Bendegúz is interested in researching the relations of politicians and voters, manipulation and electoral behavior and he is contributing to the project The Returning of Weberian Leaders in the Institution. 

Szilárd János Tóth

Szilárd János Tóth (1991) is a fourth-year student at the Doctoral School of Political Science of Corvinus University Budapest. His primary area of research is political theory, more specifically the republican-liberal debate, theories of community, and theories of equality. He has twice received the Domus scholarship of the HAS (2017, 2018), and twice the NNEP (2018, 2019) as well. His publications have appeared in four edited volumes, as well as the journals Politikatudományi Szemle, Regio, Philosophy and Society, Híd, and Elpis. He is co-editor of a volume on contemporary republican theory that is due to be published this year by l’Harmattan publishing house.


Gergely Laki

Gergely Laki is a Ph.D. student at Corvinus University of Budapest and a political analyst at Hungarian think-tank Policy Solutions. After studying Public Affairs as a fellow at Sciences Po Paris, then receiving his MA in Political Science from Corvinus University of Budapest, he is now working on his dissertation on the Hungarian media system. Previously he gained experience in journalism at Brussels and in research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Media-related issues, populism, as well as the impact of EU membership on Hungarian public policy, are in the focus of his works.

Tamás Málits

Tamás Málits received his BA degree in International Relations from Corvinus University of Budapest in 2018. Simultaneously, he also graduated in Politics and International Relations from Nottingham Trent University as part of a dual degree program. He is currently studying International Business Economics at Corvinus and will spend the autumn semester at McGill University in Montreal, Canada with a Campus Mundi scholarship. In summer 2019, Tamás is working at the Institute as a research assistant and in this role, he contributes to the project that explores Hungarian industrial policy through the example of the automotive sector. He reached 2nd place in the Europe section of the Scientific Students’ Association Conference in 2019, researching the connection between EU funding and Brexit. He is an active member of the College for Advanced Studies of Diplomacy in Practice at Corvinus and has been responsible for the internal course system in the previous academic year.

Louloudenia Eleni Kriki

Louloudenia Eleni Kriki is a third-year student at SciencesPo Paris, campus de Menton where she is pursuing a BA in Politics and Government with a regional specialisation in the Middle East and North Africa. Louloudenia Eleni Kriki pursued an internship first, with Amnesty International and one with the permanent representation of Greece to the UN (during the summer of 2021). As an intern at the Institute for Political Science – Centre for Social Sciences she is working in the “Return of the Weberian leaders” project.