Ongoing research projects (old page)

Title of research

Project leader

Participating researchers


Women for Solidarity in Energy (WISE) Stojilovska, Ana Szabó, Sára EU-EACEA (CERV)

The shifting global allegiences of Visegrad countries in a time of war (V-SHIFT)

Sebők, Miklós

Kiss, Rebeka; Molnár, Csaba; Ring, Orsolya; Manczinger, Melinda; Holányi, Ákos

Hungarian Academy of Sciences Lendület ("Momentum") Programme

Innovating Spaces of Participation Inclusive Resilient Embedded (INSPIRE)

Oross, Dániel


Horizon Europe partner

Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance (PLEDGE)

Szabó, Gabriella

Farkas, Eszter; Ring, Orsolya

Horizon Europe partner

Moral emotions in politics – how they unite, how they divide (MORES)

Boda, Zsolt

Szabó, Gabriella; Bartha, Attila; Farkas, Eszter; Gyulai, Attila; Körösényi, András; Metz, Rudolf; Plesz, Bendegúz; Polyák, Gábor; Ring, Orsolya

Horizon Europe consortium leader

Democracy and growth regimes in Central and Southern Europe

Medve-Bálint, Gergő


Bolyai Research Grant

Green movements, environmental activism in the Visegrad countries

Mikecz, Dániel


Bolyai Research Grant

Identifying News Slant in Crisis Communication Using Artificial Intelligence

Ring, Orsolya


Visegrad Fund

Hungary in the energy crisis: From energy poverty to energy scarcity

Stojilovska, Ana

Szabó, Sára

NKFIH PD_145881 (2024-2026)

Reducing anti-Roma discrimination

Simonovits, Gábor


NKFIH PD_146366 (2024-2026)

What makes political leaders strong?
Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics

Metz, Rudolf

Bene, Márton; Havran, Zsolt; Kövesdi, Veronika; Plesz, Bendegúz; Szabó, Péter Bálint

NKFIH FK_146569 (2024-2027)

Innovations in Welfare Reforms of Central and Eastern Europe (INNOWELFARE)

Bartha, Attila

Hungler, Sára; Kálmán, Judit; Molnár, Gábor Tamás; Takács, Judit

NKFIH K_147515 (2024-2026)

Democracy in the age of identity politics. Building a realist theory of democracy

Körösényi, András

Illés, Gábor; Gyulai, Attila; Patkós, Veronika; Benedek, István; Plesz, Bendegúz

NKFI K-142410 (2022-2026)

20 years in the European Union: public policy assessment of Hungary's EU membership

Bíró-Nagy, András

Medve-Bálint, Gergő; Szászi, Áron József

NKFIH FK_143022 (2022-2025)

Child protection in schools: the factors driving school personnel's reporting behaviour

Kopasz, Marianna

Husz, Ildikó; Medgyesi, Márton; Susánszky, Pál; Kiss, Márta; Balogh, Karolina; Kontró, Fanni

OTKA NKFIH K_143593 (2022-2024)

The boundaries of the political community: republican perspectives

Tóth, Szilárd


NKFIH PD_143603 (2022-2025)

Visual Persuasion in a Transforming Europe (PolarVis)

Oross, Dániel



Electoral Rules, Representational Roles and Satisfaction with Representative Democracy

Papp, Zsófia

Nagy, Laura Emőke; Nkansah, Godfred Bonnah

NKFIH FK_131569 (2021-2024)

The role of polarization in the formation of undesirable social outcomes

Patkós, Veronika

Boda, Zsolt; Farkas, Eszter; Körösényi, András; Papp, Zsófia; Plesz, Bendegúz; Stump, Árpád

NKFIH FK_137755 (2021-2025)

Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe (DEMOS)

Boda, Zsolt

Bartha, Attila; Bene, Márton; Dobos, Gábor; Kopasz, Marianna; Oross, Dániel; Susánszky, Pál; Szabó, Gabriella; Wineroither, David; Árendás, Zsuzsanna; Messing, Vera; Janky, Béla; Keller, Tamás; Friedery, Réka; Gárdos-Orosz, Fruzsina; Gruszczinsky, Lukasz; Horváthy, Balázs; Szente, Zoltán; Szép, Viktor


OPTED (Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies) (H2020)

Sebők, Miklós

Ring, Orsolya; Máté, Ákos; Molnár, Csaba


Networked Locality: A Multimethod Approach to Investigate the Role of Social Media in Local Politics

Bene, Márton

Dobos, Gábor; Farkas, Xénia

NKFIH FK_135189 (2020-2024)

Industrial Policy in the EU's Periphery

Medve-Bálint, Gergő

Barczikay, Tamás; Máté, Ákos; Éltető, Andrea (external researcher); Szijártó, Norbert (external researcher)

OTKA, NKFIH 135342,(2020-2023)

Populist Leaders in the Eyes of Their Followers. The Follower-centric Explanation and Examination of Contemporary Populist Politics

Metz, Rudolf


NKFIH PD 134685,(2020-2023)

The Risk-Participation Paradox: Micromechanisms Linking Perceived Risks to Protest Participation

Susánszky, Pál

Jank,y Béla; Kontró, Fanni; Plesz, Bendegúz; Tóth, Gergely

NKFIH FK_ 135274,(2020-2023)

Expressive Political Communication

Szabó, Gabriella

Bene, Márton; Farkas, Eszter; Farkas, Xénia; Kiss, Balázs; Egres, Dorottya (external researcher); Szabó, Lilla (external researcher)

NKFIH FK_131990 (2019-2023)

Political Normativity

Gyulai, Attila

Balázs, Zoltán; Szűcs, Zoltán Gábor; Tóth, Szilárd; Ujlaki, Anna

NKFIH project number: FK-138367 (2021 – 2024)