The Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences intends to honour the best English or Hungarian presentation at Conference for Doctoral Students of Political Science organized by Institute for Political Science CUB. The purpose of the Conference to provide an opportunity for doctoral candidates, doctoral students and master’s students considering doctoral studies in the field of political science and the related disciplines to present their research and results. Our Institute aims to highlight the importance of accurate and accessible scientific dissemination practices, motivating early career researchers to hone their skills in presenting their scientific results. The best presentation is selected by a committee nominated by the leaders of HAS Institute for Political Science and CUB Doctoral School of Political Science, based on session chairs’ recommendations. It is expected of those applying for the award to commit to publishing their manuscript in Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics or another social science journal of the HAS. The winner is awarded a gross prize of HUF 100.000.
Call of the Conference: PDF