This lecture presents the changes in the relationship between the Hungarian Parliament and the Constitutional Court, the main achievements of the "revolution of constitutionality”, and the role of the Constitutional Court role in the different periods of the development of rule of law in Hungary. The presentation summarizes those critical views towards the Constitutional Court's judicial activism to promote fundamental rights, which have paved the way for the spreading of political constitutionalism after 2010, and for the "revolution of public law" based on the idea of parliamentary supremacy. The new constitutional challenges, such as the common responsibilities of the Parliament and the Constitutional Court in the defence of national sovereignty and constitutional identity are also identified.
Date: 3 September 2019, 13:00 - 15:00
Venue: MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. T.2.28.