Many of our researchers attended at ECPR General Conference held in Wrocław, Poland from 3 to 7 September.
Paper presenters and the title of their presentations:
- Gábor Dobos - Defragging the System: Functional Rescaling and Municipal Splits in Hungary
- Attila Gyulai, Gábor Dobos and Kálmán Pócza – Institutional Reforms and Judicial-Legislative Relations in Hungary
- Balázs Kiss– Dramatic and Postdramatic. Strategies of Emotion Management
- András Körösényi and Attila Gyulai – Plebiscitary Leader Democracy: A Conceptual Alternative to Hybrid Regimes
- Rudolf Metz – Political Leadership in the Eye of the Beholder: Charismatic Leadership, Folk Heroes / Devils and Moral Panics
- Zsófia Papp – Can Electoral Engineering Protect Democracy? Electoral Rules, Representational Roles and Citizens’ Satisfaction with Democracy
- Pál Susánszky – Structural Explanation of Protest Intensity in Hungary (co-authors: Kopper Á., Gerő M., Unger A)
- Gabriella Szabó – Incivility in Political Communication: Lessons from Hungary.
- András Szántó – The Principal-Agent Model in Post-Truth Politics: The Moral Hazard of the Contemporary Leader-Citizen Relationship
Section and panel chairs, panel discussants
- Zsófia Papp – Parliaments and the Quality of Representative Democracy (section co-chair)
- Zsófia Papp – Political Elites, Populism and Legitimacy (panel chair and discussant)
- Gabriella Szabó – Networked Publics during the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections (panel chair)