The new publication of Zsófia Papp titled "Environmental attitudes, environmental problems and party choice. A large-N comparative study" is now available in the Political Geography journal.
The study investigates the relationship between environmental attitudes and the greenness of party choice, moderated by exposure to environmental problems such as the incidence of natural disasters and poor air quality. The analysis relies on the databases of the European Social Survey, the Manifesto Project Dataset, the EM-DAT dataset, and World Bank data. Overall it covers 139 surveys in 38 countries between 1995 and 2016. The study confirms that voters with greener attitudes choose greener parties and highlights that exposure to country-level environmental problems significantly increases the green vote cast by citizens who were not particularly concerned with the environment. Overall, the study states that when people are faced with bad environmental conditions, they are more willing to take environmental action regardless of their prior attitudes.
The article can be accessed at the following link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096262982200066X