Szabó, Andrea, & Déri, András (2024). Be Real! Age Effects on the Interpretations of Political Participation. YOUNG, 0(0). (Q1)
Contemporary research on political participation often neglects the diversity of engagement across age groups. This study challenges this homogeneity by proposing and evaluating theoretical models that account for subjective interpretations influenced by age, gender and other factors. Reviewing relevant literature identifies the need for adaptable theoretical models that include subjective interpretations of political participation, particularly among younger demographics.
Empirical evidence from a 2022 representative online survey of the adult Hungarian population (N = 2,972) highlights differences in how social groups perceive political acts. Advanced statistical analyses explore the impact of age on the perception of institutional activism and speech acts. The study finds that young people recognize conventional forms of participation more than online activities, contradicting assumptions about youth and digital activism. The findings suggest revising classical categories of political participation to reflect modern, blended engagement forms. This approach would provide a more accurate understanding of political engagement across different social groups.
The full article is available here: LINK