Research Interests
democratic theory, democratization, autocratization, populism, political polarization, Euroscepticism, comparative politics, politics in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe
democratic theory, democratization, autocratization, populism, political polarization, Euroscepticism, comparative politics, politics in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe
Benedek, István (2024): Populist autocratization and populist electoral autocracies: towards a unified conceptual framework. Comparative European Politics, OnlineFirst (Q1, IF: 2.6)
Benedek, István (2024): Transforming the political public sphere: the media system of the Orbán regime in Hungary. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 17 (2), 469–489.
Bozóki, András – Benedek, István (2024): Politics in Hungary: Two critical junctures. In Sabrina Ramet P.–Kürti László (szerk.): Civic and Uncivic Values in Hungary: Value Transformation, Politics, and Religion. London: Routledge, 17–42.
Dodds, Graham G. – Joński, Kamil – Rogowski, Wojciech F. – Bozóki, András – Benedek, István (2024): Return to Power: The Illiberal Playbook from Hungary, Poland, and the United States. Politics in Central Europe, 20 (4), 487–527.
Benedek, István – Bozóki András (2024): Két kritikus fordulópont: a populista választási autokrácia előzményei és megszilárdulása Magyarországon. Politikatudományi Szemle, 33 (3), 54–83.
Benedek, István (2023): A populista választási autokrácia elmélete és gyakorlata: Magyarország kelet-közép-európai perspektívában. [The theory and practice of populist electoral autocracy: Hungary from the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe] PhD Dissertation, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE), Politikatudományi Doktori Iskola.
Arató, Krisztina – Benedek, István (2021): Are democratic backsliding and staying out of the Eurozone interconnected? In Arató, Krisztina – Koller, Boglárka – Pelle, Anita (szerk.) The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out? London–New York: Routledge, 40–55.
Benedek, István (2021): Riders on the storm: the role of populism in the global crisis of democracy and in the functioning of electoral autocracies. Politics in Central Europe, 17 (2), 197–225.
2022-2026 – Democracy in the age of identity-politics: Building a realist theory of democracy – Research leader: Dr. Körösényi, András – Supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary)
2020-2022 – Return of the Weberian leaders: plebiscitary leader democracy as a means of cognition for contemporary political trends – Research leader: Dr. Körösényi, András – Supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary)
2020-2021 – Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (1989–2019) – Supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary)