Xénia Farkas

Xénia Farkas
Download CV Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

Political communication, visual communication




Selected Publications

Farkas, X., & Bene, M. (2021). Images, Politicians, and Social Media: Patterns and Effects of Politicians’ Image-Based Political Communication Strategies on Social Media. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(1), 119–142.

Farkas, X., Jackson, D., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Russmann, U., & Veneti, A. (2022). Strikingly similar: Comparing visual political communication of populist and non-populist parties across 28 countries. European Journal of Communication, 026732312210822.

Bene, M., Farkas, X., & Burai, K. (2021). Same Strategy, but Different Content. Hungarian Parties’ Facebook Campaign During the 2019 EP Election. In J. Haßler, M. Magin, U. Russmann, & V. Fenoll (Eds.), Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election : Informing, Interacting with, and Mobilising Voters (pp. 119–134). Palgrave Macmillan.

Farkas, Xénia, & Bene, Márton (2020). Images, Politicians, and Social Media: Patterns and Effects of Politicians’ Image-based Political Communication Strategies on Social Media. The International Journal of Press/Politics. Online first, September, 2020.

Farkas, Xénia (2019). Látványvilág. [Visuals.] In: B. Kiss (Ed.) A szavakon túl. Politikai kommunikáció Magyarországon, 1990-2015. [Beyond the words. Political communication in Hungary, 1990-2015.] Budapest, L'Harmattan Kiadó, 185-212.

Bene, Márton, & Farkas, Xénia (2018). Kövess, reagálj, oszd meg! A közösségi média a 2018-as országgyűlési választási kampányban. [Follow, react, share! The social media’s role in the Hungarian parliamentary elections’ campaign, 2018.] In: A. Szabó, & B. Böcskei (Eds.), Várakozások és valóságok: Parlamenti választás 2018. [Expectations and realities: Parliamentary Election 2018.] Budapest: Napvilág, 410-437.




Work in Progress