Research Interests
Political representation, political leadership, realism in political theory, democratic theory
Political representation, political leadership, realism in political theory, democratic theory
Illés, G., Körösényi, A. 2023. The touch of the leader: representation and responsiveness in plebiscitary leader democracy. DISTINKTION: JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY, 0(0), pp. 1–21.
Illés, G. & Körösényi, A., 2022. From the theater to the hippodrome. CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY, 21(3), pp. 419–442.
Illés, G., 2021. A realista politikus, Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
Körösényi, A., Illés, G. & Gyulai, A., 2020. Az Orbán-rezsim - A plebiszciter vezérdemokrácia elmélete és gyakorlata, Budapest: Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Politikatudományi Intézet.
Körösényi, A., Illés, G. & Gyulai, A., 2020. The Orbán Regime 1st ed., London: Routledge.
Illés, G., Körösényi, A. & Metz, R., 2018. Broadening the limits of reconstructive leadership. BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 20(4), pp.790–808.
Democracy in the age of identity-politics: Building a realist theory of democracy
Crowds and plebiscitary representation: Rituals of Presence in the Orbán Regime (co-author: Tamás László
The authoritarian side of democratized representation (co-author: András Körösényi)