Research Interests
Political theory, plebiscitary politics, theories of democracy, Hungarian politics
Political theory, plebiscitary politics, theories of democracy, Hungarian politics
- Democracy in the age of identity politics. ELKH TK PTI, 2023-2026, granted by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH, grant number: K 142410
-The Return of the Weberian Leaders, ELKH TK PTI, 2019-2022, granted by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH, grant number: K 128139)
-Political Leadership: Theory and Comparative Research, MTA TK PTI 2013-2017
-Választási ígéretek és kormányzati teljesítmény (Election Pledges and Public Policy in Hungary), Principal investigator, MTA Center for Social Sciences. Funded by Hungarian National Research Fund /OTKA/) 2011-2015
-A politikai vezetés fogalma a demokrácia- és politikaelméletben (Political leadership in political and democratic theory). Principal investigator, funded by OTKA, 2008-2011, (kutatás azonosítószáma: K 72656)
-A racionális választás elméletének politikaelméleti-politikatudományi jelentősége (The Impact of Rational Choice Theory on Political Science). T-049132 sz. OTKA kutatás, Budapest. Principal investigator, 2005-2007
-Magyar Választáskutatási Program (Research Program on Hungarian Electoral Behaviour) participant, 2006, 2008-2009
-Demokráciaelméletek összehasonlító elemzése (Democratic Theories), T-034362 nyilvántartási számú OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) kutatás, Budapest. Principal investigator, 2001-2004.
-A kormány és a végrehajtóhatalom helye a hatalommegosztás rendszerében (Government in the system of division of powers). OKTK (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) kutatás. Nyilvántatrtási száma: A.1868/III.a. Principal investigator, 2001-2002
-Die politischen Systeme Osteuropas. Buchprojekt, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Technische Univesitat Dresden, 1998-1999
-A kormány, mint politikai vezetés (Government as political leadership). T-025636 számú OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) Principal investigator, Budapest, 1998-2000
-Az állam szerepéről (The Changing role of the state). KORRIDOR Politikai Kutatások Központja, participant. Budapest. 1996-1997.
-Democratic Transition and Political Patronage. Principal investigator. CEU Research Support Scheme of the Higher Education Suppert Programme, Prague, 1995-1997.
-Social links of Political Parties, OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund), 1994-1996
-1994 Kormányzati tevékenység kutatási program (Governance and public policy), participant. KORRIDOR Politikai Kutatások Központja, Budapest. 1994-1995.
-Privatization Project, Institute on Economies in Transition, Central European University, Prague, 1993-1994.
- New Constitution Making in Eastern Europe. Participant, Universita's Bocconi, Milano, CNR (the Italian national Committee of Research) 1993
- Democratization and Market-Oriented Economic Reforms, Short and Medium Run Interactions, Participant, Overseas Development Council, Washington D.C., 1992-1993
- Parteiendemokratie und Transformation. Politische Landschaften in Osteuropa, 1989-1992. Participanr. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Bonn, 1992
- Political Parties in Hungary. participant. Institute for Political Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1990-92
- The Future of Democracy in Eastern Europe, Phase One: Parliaments and the Transition Towards Democracy. Participant. University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 1991