Research Interests
Strategic communication, political communication, political marketing, persuasion and manipulation
Strategic communication, political communication, political marketing, persuasion and manipulation
Metz, R. and Kövesdi, V. (2023) ‘‘Whoever is not against us is for us’ sectarianization of politics in Hungary’, Politics, Religion & Ideology, 24(4), pp. 521–542. doi: 10.1080/21567689.2023.2287573
Sonnevend, J. and Kövesdi, V., 2023. More Than Just a Strongman: The Strategic Construction of Viktor Orbán's Charismatic Authority on Facebook. The International Journal of Press/Politics, [online] 0(0).
What makes political leaders strong? Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics (NKFIH FK 146569) (2024-2027)