Veronika Patkós

Veronika Patkós
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

comparative politics, political behavior, political polarisation

Selected Publications



Patkós, V. (2019). Szekértáborharc: Eredmények a politikai megosztottság okairól és következményeiről. [Results on the causes and consequences of political division] Centre for Social Sciences & Napvilág, Budapest


Research Articles

Patkós, V. (2023). Measuring partisan polarization with partisan differences in satisfaction with the government: the introduction of a new comparative approach. Quality & Quantity, 57(1), 39-57.

Patkós, V., & Stump, Á. (2023). Do electoral reforms tend to favour the incumbents? A quantitative analysis. Acta Politica, 58(1), 118-140. 

Patkós, V. (2022). Does partisan polarisation predict economic growth? Evidence from 27 European countries. Contemporary Politics, 28(2), 182-203.

Patkós, V., & Plesz, B. (2022). The European Government-Opposition Voter (EGOV) Data Set: Data on the government-opposition status of European voters and party identifiers. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 8(1), 213-217. 

Körösényi, A., Patkós, V., Plesz, B., & Susánszky, P. (2022). The potentials of heresthetic and rhetoric in an open framing situation: theory and evidence from a survey experiment. European Political Science Review, 14(1), 94-114.

Patkós, V., & Szántó, A. (2021). Does sophistication increase partisan bias? Evidence from a cross-national analysis. European Politics and Society, 22(3), 359-373.

Patkós, V., & Farkas, E. (2020). Wearing rose-coloured glasses. The happiness effect of party attachments in Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 28(4), 556-569.

Papp Zsófia, Patkós Veronika (2019). The macro-level driving factors of negative campaigning in Europe. The International Journal Of Press/Politics. 24(1), 27-48.

Boda Zsolt, Patkós Veronika (2018). Driven by Politics: Agenda Setting and Policy Making in Hungary 2010-2014. Policy Studies 39:(2 May) pp. 1-20.

Körösényi András, Patkós Veronika (2017). Variations for Inspirational Leadership: The Incumbency of Berlusconi and Orbán. Parliamentary Affairs 70:(3) pp. 611-632.

Research Projects


The role of polarisation in the formation of undesirable social outcomes (FK-137755, 2022-2026), Principal Investigator

Democracy in the age of identity politics: a realist theory of democracy (K- 142410, 2023-2027), participant

Political polarization as a social challenge, Bolyai János Research Fellowship (BO-419-19; 2020-2023), Principal Investigator

Work in Progress

From Threat to Polarisation: the Role of Threats, Leaders and Institutional Choices in Strengthening Partisan Polarisation in Europe