Bendegúz Plesz

Bendegúz Plesz
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

electoral behaviour, democratic theory, political identities, political communication, polarisation

Selected Publications

Plesz, Bendegúz, Körösényi András. The opportunities and constraints of successful heresthetical strategies: attitudes, identities, and the framing of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Hungary. East European Politics, 2024, 1-25.

Metz, Rudolf; Plesz Bendegúz (2023): An insatiable hunger for charisma? A follower-centric analysis of populism and charismatic leadership. Leadership 19, 318–338.

Körösényi, András; Veronika Patkós, Bendegúz Plesz and Pál Susánszky (2022): The potentials of heresthetic and rhetoric in an open framing situation: theory and evidence from a survey experiment. Eur. Polit. Sci. Rev. 14, 94–114.

Patkós, Veronika; Bendegúz Plesz (2022): The European Government-Opposition Voter (EGOV) Data Set: Data on the government-opposition status of European voters and party identifiers. Intersect. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 213–217.

Research Projects

2024-today – MORES - Moral Emotions in Politics: How they unite, how they divide (Horizon Europe)

2024-today – What makes political leaders strong? Impression formation, impression management, and identity politics (NKFIH project number: FK 146569)

2022-today – Democracy in the age of identity-politics: Building a realist theory of democracy (NKFIH project number: K 142410)

2021-today – The role of polarization in the formation of undesirable social outcomes (NKFIH project number: FK 137755)

2020-2022 – Return of the Weberian leaders Return of the Weberian leaders: plebiscitary leader democracy as a means of cognition for contemporary political trends (NKFIH project number: K 128139)