Kálmán Pócza

Kálmán Pócza
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK PTI)
Research Interests

comparative politics; parlamentarism; constitution-making; constitutional adjudication and constitutional courts

Selected Publications

Pócza, Kálmán (ed): Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe (London/New York: Routledge, 2018, 312 pages)

Pócza, Kálmán: Courts compared: The practice of constitutional adjudication in Central and Eastern Europe, in: PÓCZA, Kálmán (ed): Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe (London/New York: Routledge, 2018) (together with Gábor Dobos and Attila Gyulai) 

Pócza, Kálmán: How to Measure the Strength of Judicial Decisions: A Methodological Framework, German Law Journal Vol. 08 (2017), Nr. 6., pp. 1557-1586 (together with Gábor Dobos and Attila Gyulai) 

Pócza, Kálmán: Distrust in Government: A Comparative Historical Analysis, in: Kontler, László and Somos, Mark (eds.): Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought (Leiden: Brill, 2017. pp. 236-253) 

Pócza, Kálmán - O'Sullivan, John (eds): The Second Term of Viktor Orbán: Beyond Prejudice and Enthusiasm (London: Social Affairs Unit, 2015, 307 pages) 

Pócza, Kálmán: Democratic Theory and Constitutional Adjudication, in: Acta Juridica Hungarica 2015 (56) 2-3, pp.199-212 

Pócza, Kálmán: Parlamentarismus und politische Repräsentation. Carl Schmitt kontextualisiert (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2014, 312 Seiten) 

Pócza, Kálmán – Bos, Ellen (Hrsg.): Verfassunggebung in konsolidierten Demokratien: Neubeginn oder Verfall eines Systems? (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2014, 384 Seiten)

Research Projects

JUDICON (Judicial Constraints on Legislation in Central Europe)