
A Politikatudományi Intézet blogja

pti memo 01 – Christian Baden

2025. January 23. 14:21

In the first pti memo post, we summarise Christian Baden’s (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) thought-provoking lecture titled “Propaganda as a Social Process.” The lecture was hosted by the HUN-REN Institute for Political Science as part of its Speaker Series event series on January 23, 2025.

The presentation delved into the conceptual challenges of understanding propaganda, which has become a well-researched term in today's digitalised environment. Building on case studies from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas, the speaker argued for a shift in how we perceive propaganda. Rather than focusing on misinformation and fake news, the discussion emphasised understanding propaganda as a participatory social process rooted in cultural narratives and identity dynamics.

Contrary to common definitions, the work of Baden and his collegaues understands propaganda as “a form of strategically planned public communication that claims a monopoly on truth in political issues and de-legitimises dissent”. This definition aims to challenge claims that confine propaganda to authoritarian regimes. Thus, it emphasises its pervasiveness in pluralist environments as well, where propaganda relies heavily on participation, as individuals affirm collective beliefs, perform symbolic acts of loyalty, actively debunk opposing narratives and police dissent. These practices help to sustain and expand propaganda’s reach, embedding it deeper into societal structures.

One of the central points raised was how propaganda strategically cultivates the selective acceptance of information. Unlike common assumptions, propaganda rarely relies on outright lies. Instead, it amplifies certain narratives that resonate with existing beliefs and delegitimises dissenting worldviews. In so doing, propaganda operates across multiple levels: enduring meta-narratives shape people's identities, adaptive communication campaigns address salient concerns and day-to-day (dis)information flows provide selective evidence. For example, in association with the war between Israel and Hamas, Israeli media platforms often amplified voices critical of Hamas while sidelining narratives about the suffering in Gaza.

The presentation concluded by framing contemporary propaganda as an adaptive, resilient and self-sustaining process. This shift in perspective calls for a deeper analysis of the cultural and social processes that underpin propaganda, moving beyond debates over facts versus fiction.


As part of the pti memo series, we publish short blog posts about the Speaker Series events of the HUN-REN Institute for Political Science, expanding the accessibility of fresh and socially relevant political science research. You can find more information about the Institute’s upcoming events here.​

Author of the blog post: Dominik Rákos


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