Publication: Dániel Mikecz's new article
Dániel Mikecz has recently published an article entitled "Claims-making and Morality: The Case of Hungarian Solidarity Movements" in the Czech Journal of Political Science.
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The primary objective of the Institute for Political Science of the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) is to conduct basic research in political science. Researchers at the Institute conduct both theoretical and empirical research, and the results are disseminated to both the academic and general public at scientific and professional forums.
Latest news
Dániel Mikecz has recently published an article entitled "Claims-making and Morality: The Case of Hungarian Solidarity Movements" in the Czech Journal of Political Science.
Dániel Mikecz has recently published an article entitled "Civil society as a counterbalance to democratic backlash? The civil society master frame and discursive opportunities of politically active civil organizations in Hungary" in the Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe.
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Kálmán Pócza has recently published an article entilted „Closing the Expectation Gap? Crisis of Hungarian Parliamentarism in the Inter-War Period” in “The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since.” edited by Aerts Remieg (et al.)
Zsolt Boda and Gergő Medve-Bálin have recently published an article entitled "Politicized Institutional Trust in East Central Europe" in Taiwan Journal of Democracy.
Veronika Patkós and András Szántó have recently published an article entitled "Does sophistication increase partisan bias? Evidence from a cross-national analysis" in European Politics and Society.
Bartha Attila and his co-authors (Birtalan Ilona Liliána, Neulinger Ágnes, Bárdos György, Oláh Attila, Rácz József, Rigó Adrien) have recently published an article entitled "Community Supported Agriculture as a Driver of Food-Related Well-Being" in Sustainability (IF: 2,592).
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