Publication: Tamás Barczikay's new article
Tamás Barczikay and his colleagues have recently published an article entitled "An investigation of a partial Dutch disease in Botswana" in Resources Policy.
Tamás Barczikay and his colleagues have recently published an article entitled "An investigation of a partial Dutch disease in Botswana" in Resources Policy.
Zoltán Gábor Szűcs has recently published an article entitled "Political obligations in illiberal regimes" in Res Publica.
Bartha Attila, Boda Zsolt and Szikra Dorottya have recently published an article entitled "When Populist Leaders Govern: Conceptualising Populism in Policy Making" in Politics and Governance.
Kálmán Pócza has recently published an article entilted „Closing the Expectation Gap? Crisis of Hungarian Parliamentarism in the Inter-War Period” in “The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since.” edited by Aerts Remieg (et al.)
Zsolt Boda and Gergő Medve-Bálin have recently published an article entitled "Politicized Institutional Trust in East Central Europe" in Taiwan Journal of Democracy.
Veronika Patkós and András Szántó have recently published an article entitled "Does sophistication increase partisan bias? Evidence from a cross-national analysis" in European Politics and Society.
Bartha Attila and his co-authors (Birtalan Ilona Liliána, Neulinger Ágnes, Bárdos György, Oláh Attila, Rácz József, Rigó Adrien) have recently published an article entitled "Community Supported Agriculture as a Driver of Food-Related Well-Being" in Sustainability (IF: 2,592).
"The Orbán Regime Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making" written by András Körösényi, Gábor Illés and Attila Gyulai was released on 4th May 2020 at Routledge.
The Institute for Political Science at the Centre for Social Sciences calls for applications for a three-month visiting researcher fellowship in “Public policy in the digital age”. The successful candidate will be affiliated with the Department of Government and Public Policy.
Márton Bene and Miklós Sebők joins the online journal Frontiers in Political Science as Review Editors in the section of Methods and Measurement.