Stojilovska, Ana

Stojilovska, Ana
CV letöltése

Tudományos munkatárs

Tudományos munkatárs (TK PTI)
Kutatási területek

Energiapolitika, energiaszegénység, igazságos energia-átmenet, energia demokrácia, energiapolgárság, energiához való jog, társadalmilag igazságos energiaátállás, egyenlőtlenségek, éghajlati sérülékenység, ombudsman, útfüggőségek, technológiai és intézményi korlátok, fűtési piac, technológiák és tüzelőanyagok, háztartási energiafelhasználás, Kelet-Közép Európa

Kiemelt publikációk

Stojilovska, A., Yoon, H., & Frankowski, J. (2024). Enough pain, cold, and illness! Social movements in response to energy poverty in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 115, 103627. doi:

Dokupilová, D., Stojilovska, A., Palma, P., Gouveia, J. P., Paschalidou, E. G., Barrella, R., . . . Hamed, T. A. (2024). Exploring Energy Poverty in Urban and Rural Contexts in the Era of Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries and Israel. Energies, 17(12), 2939. doi:10.3390/en17122939

Stojilovska, A. (2024). Fostering a democratic and socially just energy transition: How do Ombudspersons in Europe frame energy poverty? Energy Research & Social Science, 107, 103363. doi:

Stojilovska, A., Dokupilová, D., Gouveia, J. P., Bajomi, A. Z., Tirado-Herrero, S., Feldmár, N., . . . Feenstra, M. (2023). As essential as bread: Fuelwood use as a cultural practice to cope with energy poverty in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102987. doi:

Stojilovska, A., & Feenstra, M. (2023). Female Voices of Energy Deprivation The Lived Experience of Energy Vulnerable Women in North Macedonia and Austria In P. V. Herrejón, B. Lennon, & N. P. Dunphy (Eds.), Living with Energy Poverty Perspectives from the Global North and South (pp. 175-188). London: Routledge.  

Stojilovska, A., Guyet, R., Mahoney, K., Gouveia, J. P., Castaño-Rosa, R., Živčič, L., . . . Tkalec, T. (2022). Energy poverty and emerging debates: Beyond the traditional triangle of energy poverty drivers. Energy Policy, 169, 113181. doi:

Stojilovska, A., Thomson, H., & Mejía-Montero, A. (2023). Making a Case for Centring Energy Poverty in Social Policy in Light of the Climate Emergency: A Global Integrative Review. Social Policy and Society, 22(4), 715-729. doi: 

Herberg, J., Drewing, E., Reinermann, J.-L., Radtke, J., LaBelle, M., Stojilovska, A., & Gürtler, K. (2023). Energy spaces: bridging scales and standpoints of just energy transitions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 25(2), 135-141. doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2023.2193024

Moles-Grueso, S., & Stojilovska, A. (2022). Towards spatializing consumer energy sustainability. Empirical findings about the policy and practice of energy conservation and poverty in Barcelona and North Macedonia. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 24(4), 407-420. doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2021.2008234

LaBelle, M. C., Bucată, R., & Stojilovska, A. (2023). Radical energy justice: a Green Deal for Romanian coal miners? Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 25(2), 142-154. doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2021.1992266

Stojilovska, A. (2023). Energy poverty and the role of institutions: exploring procedural energy justice – Ombudsman in focus. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 25(2), 169-181. doi: 10.1080/1523908X.2021.1940895

Stojilovska, A., Yoon, H., & Robert, C. (2021). Out of the margins, into the light: Exploring energy poverty and household coping strategies in Austria, North Macedonia, France, and Spain. Energy Research & Social Science, 82, 102279. doi:

Grossmann, K., Jiglau, G., Dubois, U., Sinea, A., Martín-Consuegra, F., Dereniowska, M., . . . Varo, A. (2021). The critical role of trust in experiencing and coping with energy poverty: Evidence from across Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 76, 102064. doi:

Stojilovska, A. (2020). Energy Poverty in a Subsistence-Like Economy: The Case of North Macedonia. In G. Jiglau, A. Sinea, U. Dubois, & P. Biermann (Eds.), Perspectives on Energy Poverty in Post-Communist Europe (pp. 99-116): Routledge

Stojilovska, A., Zivcic, L., Barbosa, R., Grossmann, K., & Guyet, R. (2020). Compendium: On  existing and  missing  links  between energy poverty and other scholarly debates