A Speaker Series előadássorozat következő vendége Enyedi Zsolt (CEU Demokrácia Intézet) az alábbi előadással:
The network of ideological orientations in Hungary
Ideological orientations, together with socio-structural and organizational-behavioral characteristics of individuals, are fundamental constituents of political cleavages. Yet, in empirical studies they receive considerably less attention than the other two mentioned aspects. The lecture demonstrates that the application of network analytic techniques to ideological identifications can help us in understanding the segmentation, polarization, and clustering of the political community. The analysis relies on survey-data showing the self-placements on left-right, conservative-liberal and radical-moderate scales of Hungarian citizens and their identification with eight socio-political labels. The paper also show how the changes in the configuration of identifications were related to the changes in the orientation and alliance structure of parties.
A társszerző Tardos Róbert (ELTE).