A Speaker Series előadássorozat következő vendége Hajo Boomgaarden (University of Vienna) az alábbi előadással:
The challenge of measuring disinformation
Fake news and misinformation are identified as major threat to democratic well-being and the integrity of political processes. While social media have been identified as providing important mechanism for the spread of misinformation, only few people seem to directly encounter misinformation in their social media use. Mass media appear a vital source for encountering misinformation. Yet to empirically assess the degree to which mass media provide misinformation (and corrections) hinges on being able to identify and classify misinformation. The lecture engages with different ways to classify misinformation and the challenges in doing so. It ends by discussing the need for open data practices to improve research endeavours in this area.
Az előadásra március 14-én, 14 óra kezdettel kerül sor a PTI Körtárgyalójában.