Publikáció: Papp Zsófia tanulmánya az International Journal of Sociology folyóiratban

Publikáció: Papp Zsófia tanulmánya az International Journal of Sociology folyóiratban

Megjelent Papp Zsófia "Candidate Features and Candidate Selection Patterns in Hungary, 1994–2010" c. tanulmánya az International Journal of Sociology folyóiratban (2018 48(1): 76-93.)!


„Although 25 years have passed since the Hungarian transition of 1989–90, to date, there have been no systematic analyses of candidate characteristics and candidate selection patterns. This article asks: What candidate features do party selectorates value when deciding on candidate nominations from 1994 to 2010? I investigate the candidate selection patterns of Hungarian parties though candidates’ placement on the party lists. I use an original data set containing the whole universe of candidates running in democratic elections between 1994 and 2010. I describe the Hungarian candidate scene with regard to electoral and legislative experience, age and gender of the candidates. I apply multilevel linear regressions to obtain the net effect of these characteristics on party list placements. I find first, that parties place more experienced candidates higher on the party lists. Second, selectors punish older candidates by placing them lower on party lists. Third, women also face a disadvantage in list placements: parties place men in better positions on the lists.”